There is a reason Texas is so strong in factory built home sales - they have a great organization that makes sure that the facts get out to their members and consumers. We got this press release today:
TMHA is pleased to announce our newest member resource with today’s launching of our Owner-Finance Resource webpage.
We have long known a portion of our membership has engaged in some form of individual lending. Typically this is referred to as “owner-financing.” Admittedly lending operations were never simple, but the complexity and education needed in the new regulatory environment has had an exponential impact on the demands of any would be lender, especially smaller owner-finance lenders.
The cry for help, education, resources, and direction is a common request we hear these days. The high turnout at TMHA’s Dodd-Frank Implementation Workshop further demonstrated the demand in our industry for more help and more education.
Today we are launching a new, completely dedicated resource page focused on owner-finance lending. In conjunction with the webpage launch we are publishing three new articles below in what we expect to be the first three installments of an on-going series of articles dedicated to this area.
For more information about the Texas Manufactured Housing Association you can visit their website or email them at: info@texasmha.com
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