What a busy Summer! Not only are factory built homes selling as fast as the manufacturers can build them. mainstream media is finally saying positive things about our industry instead of talking about "trailer parks" and "mobile homes". Even as Moore Oklahoma braced for some of the worst tornadoes in history, factory built housing held it's own and in some areas withstood the winds even better than the site built homes in the area did.
This Fall there are going to be lots of places to share all of this good news as well as learning about better ways to show and sell factory built homes. Lifestylist® Suzanne Felber is thrilled to have been asked to speak at the 22nd International Networking Roundtable for Land Lease Communities in Bloomingdale, Illinois September 18 - 20th and also at the Southeast Community Owners Symposium in Forsyth, GA October 8 - 10th.
Not only will these be great networking opportunities, but they will also be the places to tour new homes that are specifically designed for land lease communities, and to learn about important trends in our industry from the experts in their fields.
Click on the links above for more information, or feel free to contact us at: answers@lifestylist.com for more information. Se you there!
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